Powering Tech For Justice Equity

Powering Tech For Justice Equity

Powering Tech For Justice Equity

Become A Member

Our members are the global tech innovators creating solutions that reduce justice inequities. Learn more about our community and benefits.

Become A Partner

Mission-aligned companies, investors, law firms, and academic institutions can join our network committed to supporting legal inclusion.

Support Us

JTA’s strength is in our ever-growing community of investors, individuals and organizations that create a future with equal access to justice.

The Justice Technology Association
Justice Technology Association

Enabling Access To Justice For All

Justice Technology Association is the first and only organization bringing together like-minded tech entrepreneurs in pursuit of access to justice. We believe that the law should protect all of us, not just those who can afford it. Our goal is to improve access to justice through technology and clear roadblocks to scale positive impact.

“In the 21st century, legal empowerment of the four billion excluded is the key to unlocking vital energies needed to end poverty and build a more stable and peaceful world.”
– Center on International Cooperation

Justice tech represents a unique challenge

Justice Technology Association
Justice Technology Association

Our Partners

Our partners share our vision to promote innovation for justice equity worldwide.

The Justice Tech Ecosystem: What We Do

Our founding members saw a significant gap in the justice tech ecosystem: despite explosive growth of the sector, no recognized authority existed to represent it. Our vision was to empower those creating innovative technology to combat justice inequity.

We drive creation of accessible technology to help people navigate legal matters and meaningfully better their lives. Justice Technology Association brings together a unified ecosystem and connects the public with JTA member companies to provide affordable, ethical options for navigating their legal problems.

What is justice tech?

Our Members


Direct financial support of JTA is the simplest way to support our mission, and your donation may be tax deductible.

We’re always looking to add to our network of mission-aligned organizations to build worldwide legal inclusion.