2023: A Year of Remarkable Justice Tech Advances

by | Dec 9, 2023 | Business

Justice Technology Association’s executive director Maya Markovich, an active voice in the justice tech space, recently published an inspiring roundup of the year in justice tech in lawnext.com. The piece highlights the significant increase in solutions addressing access to justice-related challenges for the public and hails 2023 as a remarkable year for justice tech advancements made possible under the JTA umbrella.

In less than two years since our founding, JTA has already welcomed 50 members and strategic partnerships and won the Chapman Award for Justice Improvement. The article highlights 18 member justice tech startups that had notable achievements in 2023. In practical terms, Markovich’s insights and perspectives underscore the increasing relevance and impact of justice tech in addressing access to justice issues and transforming the legal industry.

For a happy read, please follow this link.


