JTA Member Spotlight: Law Soup Media

by | Sep 7, 2022 | Business, Member Spotlight, Technology

We are proud to introduce our friends at Law Soup Media. Let’s learn more about their mission and approach to Justice Tech!

What does your organization do?

Law Soup Media explains the law, simply. We educate people on what they need to know about legal rights and duties, civics and our government, and how it all works (or doesn’t). This information empowers people to take charge of their life and to make a positive impact on society. Law Soup Media provides this information through a variety of innovative and engaging resources, including web content, books, ebooks, an app, a legal chatbot, and events and workshops.

Why did you pick this problem to solve?

Understanding the basics of the law is essential for everyone. It helps people to prevent legal issues, and also empowers them to participate more fully in society. Yet there are not adequate resources for people to quickly and easily obtain quality legal information. These resources should meet people where they are, and be engaging and enjoyable.

Share another Justice Tech org you love, and why.

I love People Clerk because it helps people obtain access to justice through the small claims court system. Although small claims is supposedly a user-friendly system, many people still have trouble with it. Yet, it is very difficult to get legal assistance with small claims court, as most lawyers will not assist with these smaller matters. People Clerk makes it easy for people to file a case or defend themselves.

Of the JTA’s Mission, Purpose, and Values, which drew you most to JTA, and how does your work address them?

I am most drawn to the mission of democratizing the consumer legal experience through the use of technology. Our work at Law Soup Media assists consumers with legal issues through tech-enabled educational resources.

Where can we learn more about Law Soup?


Twitter: @law.soup


Instagram: @law.soup


